ROLLERDERBYHOUSE *Universal* Fresh Meat Package



MISSING TRANSLATION: ES/CommerceManager/startingat-sp 191,86 EUR
(MISSING TRANSLATION: ES/CommerceManager/save 0,00 EUR)

MISSING TRANSLATION: ES/CommerceManager/plus MISSING TRANSLATION: ES/CommerceManager/ShippingCosts

Por favor, seleccione su patines aquí:
y aquí su rodilleras:
y aquí sus proteccion de coderas:
y aquí sus proteccion de coderas:
y aquí su casco:
y aquí su protector bucales:
y aquí está su tool:

ROLLERDERBYHOUSE Universal Fresh Meat Package

This Fresh Meat package is unique in the Roller Derby market! You will find almost our whole assortment in this package. No matter with which Derby Skates, Protection, Helmet, Mouthguard and Tool you want to step into Roller Derby: Just combine it by yourself. Choose basic or high quality skates, choose basic protection or special derby´s all up to you! Let´s go and save up to 10%!

By the way: Check our Skatebags and Backpacks. Because you have to carry all your fresh meat stuff :-)

MISSING TRANSLATION: ES/CommerceManager/Features MISSING TRANSLATION: ES/CommerceManager/for ROLLERDERBYHOUSE *Universal* Fresh Meat Package

Unidad de venta bulto