League sponsoring

ROLLERDERBYHOUSE.EU - it's your equipment! And that's exactly what it is about: Your Equipment. Nothing is better than having the perfect equipment. And nothing is even worst as having disadvantages during a bout because the oponnent is better equipped. The higher the level the more important is your equipment. At this point we step into the game - we would like to support you professionally! So get sponsored by us.

So if you are a Roller Derby League and interested in getting supported by us, don't hesitate to contact us. Send an Email to info@rollerderbyhouse.eu and we present our idea of professional sponsoring.

RollerDerbyHouse.eu is part of the Grindhouse GmbH, which has experience in sponsoring since 1995. Our support is different than others. We prefer a real relationship so that both make profit. That's not only giving discounts on products... we do jersey sponsoring, league- and boutsupport, product consultation, wheel tests and much more!

These leagues are already sponsored by RollerDerbyHouse.eu: All Roller Derby leagues, sponsored by RDH